Neurodiverse? Autistic? Highly Sensitive Person? Have ADHD?


I specialise in working with neurodiverse (ND) clients. Why do neurodiverse clients need therapy, you may ask. After all it is not a mental health condition or, even necessarily, a problem of any kind. The answer is that it is often really tough being a neurodiverse person in a predominantly neurotypical (NT) world. I have yet to meet a ND person who doesn’t struggle with self-acceptance. The world tends to focus on what we can’t do rather than our strengths and positive qualities. After all – and this is so important – we are different not broken.

Whilst there may be co-occurring conditions, such as anxiety and depression, that need to be dealt with separately in a neuro-affirmative way, the key ‘task’ of therapy is for you to accept yourself as you are. I get that this is easier said that done but with me you will have an ally every step of the way. I also understand that it can be difficult to let a person in and risk them seeing the real you. Believe me, I get it. After all, you have probably spent your life masking in order to fit in.

However, this is why counselling is so useful. There will be no judgement. You can state your own needs and be as direct as you want – in fact, I positively welcome it. Let me see the real you and I am sure I can help you see that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with you. Of course, the world and the attitudes of some people around us could do with changing but I live in hope that it will when we emphasise and demonstrate what we can do rather than what we can’t. Remember – different, not broken.